Nah I kid... I'm in love with Smash Bros.
Well this was kinda confirmed a while ago by my friend Chris, but you might not know cause on his theres no button to put blog posts on the front page for him.
Our series Just a Pilot will be on halt for a while (sorry all 3 of our fans), but Chris, who animates it, feels that he wants to work on this other animation called 'Space Action' before working on the zombie episode of JaP. We'll try to release the zombie episode on Halloween if we can.
Space Action has been an idea of Chris for a long time and has been dying to go through with it for ages and now hes got a whole script, recorded lines and starting animation.
It'll be about a human called Billy flying around the universe doing missions with a bunch of aliens. He'll try to have it hopefully done by August.
For more infomation, you can check Chris's blog